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your Technology parTner for The world of Tomorrow.

your Technology parTner for The world of Tomorrow.

Shaping a sustainable future requires forward-looking manufacturing technologies and innovative products. As one of the market leaders in the fields of mechatronic components and systems, we manufacture products for the world of tomorrow in close cooperation with our customers and partners using state-of-the-art technologies.

E-Mail: Phone: +49 (0)7021 / 93010

InnovaTion for more susTainabiliTy

InnovaTion for more susTainabiliTy

As a medium-sized company, we develop and produce mechatronic components for various applications in the automotive, industrial/automation and medical technology sectors at our Kirchheim unter Teck site. Our portfolio includes a wide variety of plastic hybrids, high-precision fluidic-capacitive 360° inclination sensors and various MID-based products (multifunctional 3D circuit carriers). Furthermore, we are involved in numerous research projects, resulting in pioneering manufacturing technologies and innovative products.

2E banner mid technology

Dr. Andreas Pojtinger, CEO 2E mechatronic GmbH & Co. KG



2E mechatronic was founded in 2002. Initially, the core business was the development and production of connectors. Today 2E mechatronic is one of the leading manufacturers of plastic hybrids, inclination sensors and MID-based products for almost all industries.


2E mechatronic has been a member of the Narr Group Kirchheim unter Teck since 2002. The group also includes the company Ortlieb Präzisionssysteme. The NARR Beteiligungsgesellschaft (NBG), which acts as a holding company, operates under the umbrella of the Wilhelm Narr Foundation.


Approximately 40 motivated and highly trained employees work on innovative problem solutions and their implementation. The main focus lies on economical manufacturing processes, although providing development support for projects and the development of in-house products are also part of 2E’s core competencies.

Our range of producTs.

Our product portfolio includes plastic hybrids, 3-D MID products (Mechatronic Integrated Devices) and inclination sensors for various applications in the automotive, industrial/automation and medical technology sectors.


2E banner mid technology

Our company is certified according to IATF 16949 and ISO 14001.
Details about the certification can be found here

Research for The fuTure.

Over the past two decades, 2E has developed pioneering manufacturing technologies and innovative products together with various industrial partners and institutes within the framework of projects funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the Innovation Programme for Small and Medium-Sized Companies (ZIM). This, for example, led to the setting up of a manufacturing plant for MID-based products. We also refined our MID-technology with regard to quality requirements. We always strive in this way to establish innovations and new technologies in the company. Our high-precision 360° inclination sensor is one of the products that were developed as part of a funded project.

Cable harness connector

Ecological Guidelines.

1 Preamble

We see the protection of the environment as a basic requirement of an environmentally responsible company. A healthy, intact environment is,
in our opinion, the basis on which life depends for us and for future generations. Active support to maintain a healthy environment
we see as our fundamental obligation.

2 Principles

Environmental protection is an important part of our company philosophy. Economics and Ecology are not diametrically opposed. Consideration for the environment
in our day to day activities is organized throughout every department in 2E. Processes, work-regulations and other activities support each other to reduce the impact on the environment.

3 Resources

The use of new technology to conserve energy and material is part of our philosophy as well as
the avoidance of waste and the alternative use of scrap material.

4 Laws

For us, laws represent only the minimum standard in setting environmental goals in 2E. Moreover, our objective is to
continuously improve our environmental protection goals.

5 Suppliers

Good environmental protection is guaranteed, in particular when it is supported by economic logic. Therefore, we undertake to support regional products and technology from local
sources whenever we can. We are also asking our suppliers to focus their goals on environmental protection as well; therefore we promote sustained environmental protection with both our partners and suppliers. We prefer suppliers that have standards of environmental protection as high as we do ourselves.

6 Employees

Successful environmental protection programs can only be realized when all employees participate. The active support in environmental protection programs is
positively reinforced inside and outside of the company.

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